And here's one more, you think my problem is just the icing?
Ding ding ding!!! Wrong, the Butter Cake came out the oven looking just perfect and then when I came back after cooling it on the rack, it had gone from being three inches thick to just one and one-half inches. It was reduced to half my expected width. And as the cake shrunk, so did my spirits.
I hurriedly baked a devil's food, abandoning the chocolate cake plan. The matter called for drastic measures and a devil's food cake (contrary to its name) is heaven sent in any desperate dessert situation.
And an hour later, out came my deep-brown-almost-black cake. I went on to frost it and as I realized that I had a malnourished butter cake sitting on the rack, I decided to pull all the stops and did the unthinkable (well, not really), I layered the two cakes. (Uh huh, I really did.)
So I placed the butter cake on top of the Devil's Food and I ended up with a super thick birthday cake. I had to make some more frosting, but that was a breeze. I can make frostings with my eyes closed. Hehe.
Having ran out of time to make some colored icing for the lettering I used some marshmallows to spell out the greetings. Then I sprinkled a combination of chopped nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashew, pecan) and some colored sprinkles. And voila, by the time 4:00 PM came, I was at the door, smiling like I had the sanest afternoon ever. If they only knew...

(Unfortunately, due to the inefficiency of an idiot (uhrmm.... also know as Me) I was unable to take a photo of the cake after it was sliced, so I have no picture to show how the inside of the cake looked. But trust me when I say it looked really pretty and tasted wonderful. )
RECIPES WILL FOLLOW, I just have to finish reading the Revised Penal Code for my class tonight. Till then.)
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